All donations are appreciated, and make a very big difference to our library’s collection and services.
We’re a registered charity, and may issue tax receipts for financial donations of $20 or more. To make a donation, please find us online at Canada Helps or write a cheque payable to the Deep River Public Library and drop by during open hours or mail to PO Box 278, Deep River ON, K0J 1P0.
To sponsor a magazine (in your name or as a gift), please contact Naomi at for details.
Donating materials
Please note that we are unable to accept book donations until our Friends of the Library can host a book sale and create some room in storage. Thank you for thinking of us! Donations of puzzles are most welcome, though, and can be dropped off during open hours. We’ll update this section when we’re accepting donations again.
All donated materials become the property of the library and will be added, discarded, or sold at the library’s discretion. We are unable to accept encyclopedias, textbooks, and damaged or musty books.
Thank you for your support!.